Korean Peninsula Edition
(Price List/US Cards)
Card Name Type Skill Market Price Market Price Rarity
(Php/Highest) (Php/Lowest)
AH-1W Cobra Arsenal Flying P2 P1 Common
F-35 Arsenal Flying P50 P40 Rare
Close Range
US Bradley APC Arsenal Armoured P2 P1 Common
CH-53 Stallion Arsenal Flying P2 P1 Common
A-10 Thunderbolt Arsenal Flying P45 P40 Rare
Chinook Helicopter Arsenal Flying P2 P1 Common V-22 Osprey Arsenal Flying P5 P3 Common
Anti Landmine Arsenal Armoured P10 P6 Uncommon
AH-64 Apache Arsenal Flying P15 P12 Uncommon
F-117 Arsenal Flying P65 P50 Rare
F-22 Raptor Arsenal Flying P65 P50 Rare
M-113 APC Arsenal Armoured P2 P1 Common
B-52 Bomber Arsenal Flying P45 P40 Rare
M60 Payton Arsenal Armoured P18 P15 Uncommon
PC-3 Orion Arsenal Flying P15 P12 Uncommon
Draw a Card
M1A1 Abram Arsenal Armoured P40 P35 Rare
Close Range
F-14 Tomcat Arsenal Flying P2 P1 Common
Humvee Arsenal P2 P1 Common
M-109 Paladin Arsenal Armoured P25 P20 Rare
FIM 92 Missile Equipment Standing Defense P25 P20 Rare
US MIR Missile Equipment Damage+3 P2 P1 Common
M4 Shotgun Equipment Damage+1 P2 P1 Common
Busli Master Equipment Damage+3 P18 P15 Uncommon Cannon Put the Damage
M202A Equipment Damage+3 P2 P1 Common
M249 Machine Equipment Damage+2 P2 P1 Common
M-107 Rifle Equipment Damage+2 P18 P15 Rare
M4A1 Colt Equipment Damage+1 P2 P1 Common
Sacrificing the Trap P2 P1 Common
AIM9 Missile Equipment Damage+3 P2 P1 Common
Cluster Bomb Equipment FLIP: P5 P3 Uncommon
M-72 LAW Equipment Damage+3 P2 P1 Common
US Thompson Equipment Damage+1 P2 P1 Common
M-21 Rifle Equipment Damage+2 P2 P1 Common
M-16 Rifle Equipment Damage+1 P2 P1 Common
Laser Weapon Equipment Defense+2 P25 P20 Rare
System Laser Shot
Air Strike Trap P2 P1 Common
Bunker Buster Equipment Damage+3 P18 P15 Rare
Put Damage Token
FN P90 Equipment Damage+1 P2 P1 Common
Cavalry Charge Trap P2 P1 Common
Losing The Trap P2 P1 Common Captain
Paratrooper Drop Trap P3 P2 Common
Nerve Gas Trap P8 P5 Uncommon
Surveillance Trap P8 P5 Uncommon
Patriot Missile Trap P2 P1 Common
Nuclear Fallout Trap P30 P25 Rare
Sabotage Trap P15 P12 Uncommon
Smoke Angel Trap P5 P3 Uncommon
Frozen Cold Trap P50 P40 Rare
Commander Edison Commander P18 P15 Uncommon
Commander Potter Commander P18 P15 Uncommon
Commander Berry Commander P20 P15 Uncommon US Infantry Human Soldier P2 P1 Common
US Sniper Human Soldier P2 P1 Common
US Seals Human Soldier P5 P3 Common
USS Ronald Fuel/Food P45 P40 Rare
USS Nimitz Fuel/Food P45 P40 Rare
Camp Humphrey Fuel/Food P45 P40 Rare