Game Guide
The Two sides of the Trading Card Game
There are two sides of the Trading Card Game set by Red Tech and The New Youth Press. Each is based on the political System and Political Ideology now in the World. You can combine both countries to form a deck and form a good winning game or use one country only.
Each Political Faction is subdivided evenly and had their own strenghts and weaknesses. However it will have to depend on the player already what kind of cards he will be playing.
Communist Faction
Communist Faction is based on Karl Marx "Manifesto of the Communist" and one of the Political Systems in the World. It is the foundation of a Socialist Republic and Run by the Communist Party.
There is only one party under the Communist Faction and that the Communist Party of the said Nation and the Central Committee is the law making body which is also composed of the members of the Communist Party of the said country.
Democratic Faction
The Democratic Faction was made and headed by a President and one of the most unliked Political Systems in the World. Deep within the Democratic Political System is a pitless dark politics which dictates the political state inclduing Justice System.
This is opposite of the said Ceterus Paribus of the Constitution because the Decision always goes to who are in power and influencial. There is no real equality but of No difference from Monarchy.
People's Republic of China
United States
North Korea
South Korea
Vassal Nation Faction
The Vassal Nations are Nations that belong to the Third World Countries wherein they are being pushed around by the Democratic Nations such as US, and other Western Nations in Europe that Colonized them in the 19th Century, 18th Century, 17th Century, and the 16th Century.
They will be present on the next few expansion Set.
Philippines Democratic Government